A new evolutionary quest to probe the nature of human beings in relation to the power that gives form to the universe, the role of human thoughts in determining the course of physical events, and the importance of humanity’s image of itself in the light of current scientific knowledge, involves significant changes in our idea of what humanity will become. We are beginning to see a “New Being” woven into the spontaneity of human creativity, affecting the whole of our evolutionary reality. Physics, astronomy, chemistry, genetics, anthropology and medicine are going through a new phase of mind, matter and quantum. In short, we are now at the edge of major scientific breakthroughs that will transform our lives. Consider a few of the visions of the rapid acceleration into new “Beingness”:
The first computer with a transistor TRADIC was built in 1955 with 800 transitors. Today’s Pentium II chip has 7.5 million transistors. Scientists now believe that an experimental chip will be built within the next few years with a billion transistors. Imagine small hand-held computers 10 to 20 thousand times more powerful than today’s!
As we probe our inner space environment, a new technology called nanotechnology, the science of developing tools and machines as small as one molecule, will have as big an impact on our lives as transistors and chips did in the past 40 years. Imagine highly specialized machines that you ingest, systems for security smaller than a piece of dust, and collectively intelligent household appliances and cars. In the practical input of biomechanics, we will begin to see how engineers can finally re-create the body’s parts, muscles, and some of its vital circulatory system. Atom by atom, nano-tech mills will turn technology into basic microscopic/cellular elements with astounding health implications.
The human genome revolution has just begun. Francis Crick, Nobel Prize winning co-discoverer of DNA, believes it will take a century of research to understand and apply all the potential breakthroughs this new knowledge makes possible. Soon, perhaps as soon as within the next few years, will come the complete mapping of the human genetic code or the “genome lamp” of Being systems. These are the vital circuits that keep the flesh alive and house the “inner Being” dynamics within the wonders of body.
As we factor in these amazing developments with life in the cosmic frontier being built, we will realize the life structures that exist within ourselves are in a constant state of evolution between inner and outer universes. The transformation of the pure energy-structures of our biological circuits is a prelude to the outermost intensity of opening up new inner universes, a parallel to the words of Christ who said, “greater things than these you shall do.”
— J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D.

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