We live in an age of vast inner and outer discoveries. Many people possess varying degrees of abilities to experience life beyond our known senses. Such possibilities may be considered natural to them and strange to others. But regardless of how remarkable these natural endowments may seem to both their possessor and the world at large, they can also become a liability unless the individual has a knowledge of how to work in harmony with life and seek to use their abilities for the greater advancement of humanity.
Technology is inadequate and the physical sciences overlook or downplay the importance of these latent intuitive and spiritual skills within us which only paralyzes the development of our spiritual vision in a world of fractional and destructive separations. As we enter a space-time overlap, in a certain poetic sense, the veil for many that covers humankind will be lifted as we begin to discover the vastness of life, as well as higher orders of intelligence. For some it will appear that we live in a world of confusion or chaos with vast challenges that must be faced daily. However, life on planet earth appears more like a laboratory for the generation and regeneration of our human character where we can build upon the careful balance between body, mind and spirit, through the reformation of experience filtered through our emotions and our intellect.
Yet, humankind’s true nature is really that of a universal being; our individuality does not verge toward individuals but the collective and our personality verges toward the Divine. Unfortunately, we attempt to gain knowledge through the intellect, going so far as building the ‘Google Library’ which is our modern attempt to construct the world’s largest electronic database, similar to what was known in the ancient world as the Library of Alexandria. There is a natural tendency of the mind to elevate itself based on factual information and not real experience, technical information and not humanistic or divine understanding. In effect, the intellectual layer of the Earth, will become a lot denser, but will that elevate the consciousness of humanity to what Pierre de Chardin called the ‘Noosphere‘?
To achieve the realization of a meaningful unity in all things is, at first, very difficult for it requires unity of spiritual consciousness and going beyond the normal senses and the new Towers of Babel, to experience the Supreme Mind. In this we remember, consciousness is not the result of the mind convincing the Self; consciousness is the result of the Universal Self convincing the mind. Christ affirmed in John 14:28 that the greater Consciousness is personified in the Father when he said: „The Father is greater than I.“ The true creative Consciousness discovers the collective oneness and the Father’s House of Many Mansions which is greater than our localized mind-set and which must learn to see through many daily births and deaths before realizing its inextricable link with the Supreme Divine Mind.
— J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D.
Spring 2006 Series 5 Volume 1
Bio-Acoustic Explorations
Gerald Vind
Tischrede: Seeing Humanity as an Open-Ended System
J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D. and Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D.
Understanding the Dichotomy of Scripted Emotions
J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D. and Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D.

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