The work of Drs. Roger Palmer and Rene Havenstein is a good example of the advances now being made in electromedicine with monochromatic infrared energy and the inner membrane of mitochondria. This work ranges from constructing stronger cellular structures to the modulation and enhancement of energy rich ATP molecules within the body. Clearly, an electromagnetic field exists as a key to all life’s processes, providing us with an understanding that we are composed of the basic wave fundamentals of life. The enhancing work of the mini-energy machinery of the body via photo-biomodulation can aid cells in their ongoing survival, and the use of light technology is an aid to cells in their healing. The knowledge is only now becoming acceptable to scientists in the field. Yet, one of the most important and far-reaching sections of The Keys of Enoch® has described how the benefits of light energy treatment will be applied to the human body.
The red LED (Light Emitting Diode) is based on NASA technology being researched for plant growth in space. Now it has shown promise as a treatment in the healing of bone marrow transplant patients. Biologists have found that cells exposed to near-infrared light from LEDs grow 150 to 200 percent faster than cells not stimulated by this form of light, which increases the energy inside cells, speeding up the healing process. Additionally, specific electromagnetic fields can be well received by the body as an alternative to chemical interactions.
Most wave fields are composed of numerous waves which together create the right harmonics. The original concept of stimulating fields connected with the body can be traced back thousands of years to China. Key 303 of The Keys of Enoch® speaks of the body requiring the right light forms and how we will begin to comprehend the complete spectrum, defining the importance of a medicine of light which can work effectively with bio-luminescence, photobiological therapy and photo-luminescence waves. More and more studies are also being done on those with physical failings associated with lack of light or a blocking of full-spectrum light who can benefit from exposure to the full spectrum range of natural daylight (as A.I. Zuralev has shown in Russia).
Nevertheless, the research and application being done by Academy investigators have shown that there are specific benefits from experiments using monochromatic polarized red light, as a powerful stimulating agent in regeneration processes. There is indeed a new light process at the end of the biological tunnel. In the fuller scenario of what The Keys envision, we will wear “Joseph’s coat of many colors” as we recapture our cosmic birthright as we enter the “House of Many Mansions”.
— J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D
Spring 2008 Series 5 Volume 7
Roger Palmer & Rene Havenstein
Tischrede: The Harmonies of Nature
J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D. and Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D.
Expanding The Body Electric
J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D. and Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D.

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