The current scientific view regarding the study of consciousness is that psychological processes are generated entirely within functions limited to the brain and the human physiological system. This is a premise that overlooks the last 50 years of parapsychological research which suggests that consciousness is not limited to the brain, and that it is possible to demonstrate the effect of mind beyond the individual system, in processes including telepathy and psychokinesis.
In the early 1970s at Stanford Research Institute (SRI), experiments in remote viewing demonstrated the mind’s ability to “reach” global targets, in violation of traditional rules of science. More work is needed in this area to understand the mind’s role in consciousness, although consciousness is not limited to the physical mind. Much of the revolutionary work in this field was done by Russell Targ, Dr. Harold Puthoff, and Andrija Puharich, M.D. Dr. Puharich was clearly ahead of his time since his work also involved “distant healing”.
Most scientists working in paraphysics have spent a great deal of energy trying to provide scientifically acceptable explanations within the confines of our limited knowledge of quantum physics. The desire to map the quantum function of consciousness, as we map a wave function or particle, becomes the principal obstacle between consciousness and science. In my judgment, this becomes difficult because consciousness works as a rapid “prolepsis,” or future reality now. The idea of prolepsis goes back to Aristotle’s rhetoric. It refers to how the author may tell the reader in summary form what the argument will be that follows, as a brief abstract at the beginning of a technical report. Shifting from rhetoric to ontology, that is, into a realm of new definitions of life experience that redefine “life”, “evolution”, etc., prolepsis is future reality, appearing just briefly ahead of time for many writers, and a long time ahead for many theologians, showing in abbreviated or fragmentary yet authentic form what we are to experience or become.
While continued research in consciousness will explain how there are also many planes of reality that simultaneously function together, our day to day awareness has been limited to only one reality plane. When we truly awaken to our full consciousness potential we will understand the words of Christ, “Greater things than these you shall do, for I go to the Father.” When we act upon this new awareness we will begin to function not only with our eyes and ears but with our higher consciousness mind, what is called “Mind-2”, and ultimately we will be able to work within our Father’s House of Many Mansions.
— J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D.

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